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One of those days

How badly I always talked about German efficiency. Everything must work immediately and mostly it does but if it doesn´t then the drama is not far away. The train was 10 minutes late? The day is ruined.

After my travels to India I promised myself never to be like that again, so “German”. I thought that as soon as I start stressing myself again I would return to India to relearn what it means to have patience, what it means to live with billions of people around you, what it really means to have an exhausting day. It took me about 2 weeks and I stressed again, I was “German” again. I never returned back to India.

Today was one of those days in Zimbabwe where I wished I was back in Germany and at the same time I had to laugh about myself. I didn´t want to write about this today, I wanted to write a completely different article. But nothing worked. I needed to watch two clips, didn´t work. Download, didn´t work. Different laptop, different internet connection, didn´t work.

I gave up and concentrated on the application for my work permit. I needed a document from a friend staying in Zambia to help me with this. I called her and she knew immediately what I was talking about. She had the document but couldn´t send it to me- her internet didn´t work.

There it was again, that little German voice in my head: how can everything take so long, nothing works and why is it so damn hot? And then I started to laugh about myself, had a beer (which is not even nearly as good as German beer) and jumped into the pool.

Was it not exactly that kind of thinking, that you have to do everything and even more in one day, that I wanted to leave behind me in the first place? Tomorrow is another day. Maybe things work then. Maybe they don´t.

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